Kate King
Writer, Reader, Pilgrim
"If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write."
Stephen King
A writing life
Reaching for the stars...
I yearn to write as beautifully as Hannah Kent or Charlotte Wood. Every word sings in Hannah's Devotion. Every page of Charlotte's novels is a masterpiece, even when the material confronts and challenges accepted truths.
Most days I write in my journal. Almost anything goes in it: events, reflections, grumbles, delights, memories, drafts of poems or essays. It's practice for the more public writing.
I have written a memoir of my Camino(s). I'll let you know when it's re-published with 2023's pilgrimage added in.
Drafts of two novels are in various stages of editing. One about a young bride who leaves civilised town life in Launceston for a selection in western Queensland. The other follows an empty-nester who walks the Camino, and on the way reconfigures her life.
When I worked full time, I became addicted to writing short form poetry like tanka and haiku. I could sneak them into a crevice of time. Now that I am not chained to a roster I have time to play around with words and longer forms of poetry.
And to top it off, I've just started a Substack, Shimmerings.
“All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.”
— Friedrich Nietzsche
Charlotte Wood
A sense of risk gives a work its central energy